Our Allotment Page
Allotment plot No.68, Low Moor Allotments, Fulford, York.
Size: 30' x 90' = 270 sq ft [90sq y] (9.5m x 27.3m = 260 sq m)

Click on this blindingly obvious link below for the Allotment plan:
Allotment PlanTo Scale

Plot 68 from the back to the front, west to east
Plot 68 from the front to the back, east to west

Our first allotment, started at the end of June 2005. Photos taken at the beginning of 2006 after the transformation of our plot into ordered beds from complete field of couchgrass, poppies and huge trees of thistle, nettles and dock!

Phase One - We hacked it down and cleared it with sickle, strimmer and rake; covered it over, , we then the long, repetitive, laborious process of working out the weed roots with adze and forkscrew/garden claw, and our new shiny little parsnip fork (that's what I call it anyway!).

Phase Two - We then started building a fixed network of paths covered in weed-suppressant membrane and got a wheelbarrow, and started weeding the beds thoroughly and shaping them into raised beds (like little Tiahuanacan pyramids).

Phase Three - Want to demolish shed soon, move gate to centre, build new wooden fencing around lawn area assemble BBQ shelter on right, use large corrugated metal sheets for a roof.
Cloche construction, Berry and Legume netting frames, Purelay and supports for Solanas, and netting and cloches to go up.

Phase Four - I also plan to cut out two more equilateral squares out of the bottom two, and shift all flowers into two 2m by 4m short beds at the front for symmetry; maybe there'll be enough wood to make a picket fence!
Then I want to make a small pond with some liner to attract shrews, and make an area at the front to sit around a fire, put up some fence posts at the new entrance perhaps...?!
...last but not least is the installation of my solar-powered robotic hydroponic rice-paddy... (steady George!)

Grow from seed the following(Spring/Summer Sowing): (links included)
Fabacea(Bean Family): Pea, Mange-Tout.
Poacea(Grass Family): Sweetcorn, {Lemon Grass (indoors?)}, Asparagus Pea,
Alia (Lily Family): Garlic, Onion, Spring Onion, Leek, {Asparagus (next year), Chives, Shallot}.
Brassica(Cabbage Family):Sprouts, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbage (Spring Green, Red), Kohl Rabi,{Kale},
Apia (Carrot Family): Parsley, Carrot, Parsnip, {Celeriac, Fennel, Coriander, Dill, Celery,}.
Solana(Nightshade Family): Aubergine, Tomato, Capsicum, Chilli, Cucumber, Squash, Courgette, Melon.
Aster (Sunflower Family): Lettuce, {Tarragon (maybe)}.

Other Crops

Herbs: Thyme, Sage, Mint, Basil, Rosemary, {Oregano, Marjoram,}
Tubers: Tumicuni (Gkrachai - a Thai thing, best grown indoors)
Tree Fruit: Hazelnut,
Berries: Blackcurrent, Raspberry, {Tayberry, Strawberry,}
Click here for the crop calendar
A guide to what to sow and plant and when, specifically in our allotment.
Useful Links:
HDRA Planning
HDRA Veg Calendar
More Planning!
Organic Gardening
Oriental seeds
more Oriental seeds
Nutrition Data!
BBC Gardening
Compost anyone?
Japanese rice seed
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Tables in tables
Page last edited 2005:08:28